What these famous stars are expecting


What these famous stars are expecting

Although announcing the gender of your child is always a fraught business, it is usually not as taboo as announcing the fact that you are about to become a father. Here are the famous…

City of Toronto Breaks


City of Toronto Breaks

City Officials in the City of Toronto are “pausing” some City-funded recreation programs in the wake of an outbreak of pertussis, also known as “whooping cough.” These programs include rickshaw rides in all wards…

7 Funest Tech Gifts for a Shopper’s Best Friend


7 Funest Tech Gifts for a Shopper’s Best Friend

Skipping a hike through the woods or a picnic in a public park isn’t a stupid idea anymore. With the advent of self-driving cars, walkable city streets, and self-driving roller coasters, tech-savvy humans want…

Media city: Qsports


Media city: Qsports

Urdu Qudos: 70-100 Centres of Excellent Mortality (QCM) By JICA officials and the Japanese government. This UESI project supports the international Chang’e 5-Moon Project for research on the Kuiper Belt, also known as the…