Kellyanne Conway Says Donald Trump ‘Doesn’t Know’ Whether He Will Run for President Again

President Donald Trump offered a Thanksgiving message Thursday that only just hints at his plans for the next three years: “We’re looking forward to 2020. We’ll do a lot of great things. We’re looking forward to 2024 — that’s what I’m thinking.”

Asked about the possibility of the President running for a third term — as well as whether he thinks a second impeachment would be possible — Vice President Mike Pence declined to answer. “That’s up to President Trump. I think he’s the only person who can answer that question,” he said on the Meet the Press. “But I hope that will not be the case. I hope there will be a 2020 campaign based on the priorities and opportunities that they provided to the country last year.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s top campaign advisers, like Kellyanne Conway, are busy raising money and building out an infrastructure that could form a base for a 2020 presidential bid. The President’s two 2020 campaign kickoff rallies, which were previously scheduled for January 4th and 12th in Louisville, will take place on January 19th in Pensacola, Florida.

(Getty Images)

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